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Kitgo Camping Survival Kit Review

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Introduction – Kitgo Camping Survival Kit Review

Hello and welcome to our Kitgo Camping Survival Kit Review. First off, this is not a survival kit in whole; but a first aid kit, so there’s a slightly misleading title from the manufactuers.

Be that as it may, first opening the kit you are immediately aware of its extensive nature; it’s a 101 piece affair. So what do you get for the price tage of under $40? Let’s take a close look a what the pack offers.

We would recommend the Kitgo for hiking, fishing, cycling and of course, camping. Kitgop states there’s a Comprehensive array of First Aid Products that let’s you treat common scrapes, minor aches and injuries easily in any potential emergency on the go. This a small kit so it doesnt include tourniquets, or any heavy wound dressings aside form a ‘low trauma’ pad.There is also a lack of anticeptics, but there is a bandage roll. One thing there is plenty of are plasters and safety pins.

Kitgo Camping Survival Kit Review

There’s also an emergency blanket, compass, basic as it gets fishing kit, whistle and survival bracelet which i think should not be used in your survival kit and do appear on the ‘christmas cracker’ side of build quality. The plasters, safety pins and bandage are sufficient for very minor wounds or ‘scrapes’.

If you were to mix this kit with a light survival kit then it would compliment it, but on its own it does not provide the basic kit needed for anyone exposed to outdoor activities; especially ones which have more of an element of risk involved.

It all tucks neatly into a decent bag which is reasonably well made as you can see below.

Kitgo Camping Survival Kit Review

Is the Kitgo worth it?

We believe the Kitgo is okay, only if you are using this as a cuts and grazes type kit. It would be advisable to mix the Kitgo as part of a larger, more substantial kit. Or you could replace the whistle and compass with proven models, such as the Titanium Emergency Whistle(120db) and the UST deluxe Map Compass. Of course a 24-48 hour freeze dried food supply including a water filter straw, would also be advisable.

Think about where you’re going off to; is there cover, or are you out in the open? If you have a tent great, but if its a shot journey and you’re not planning to stay the night, bring an emergency tent anyway. The ‘life tent’ as its sometimes known as, traps your body heat as result from its reflective interior.

Remember, this is absolutely the very basic kit you should be bringing with you. Of course there’s room to extend these basics. Protective measures from any wild creatures that inhabitat your adventure zone. Also communications. What will you use to attract peoples attention in the event of accident? You need to inform your family at least. Inform your local services, depending on the level of risk you assessed before you leave for the outdoors. Distress beacons work well; which sounds farfetched to many, but it’s amazing how rapidly things can deteriorate if noit fully prepared, what with storms, wild animals or exposure to the cold.

Ask yourself…

The question to ask yourself is this, would I be comfortable taking the Kitgo as the sole kit on your journey outdoors? I think many wil say no, but use the Kitgo to mix into a larger more substantial kit that justifies the ‘Survival’ label. The price of the Kitgo doesn’t reflect the kit’s contents. It’s a basic medical Kit so it doesnt offer good value when compared with cheaper kits on the market, that offer similar quality and contents.

Thanks for stopping by and reading the Kitgo Camping Survival Kit Review. I hope you got something from it. Please drop by for more essential survival reviews and articles. Stay safe!

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