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Survive a Post-Apocalyptic World: ‘Once Human’ Guide

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Survive a Post-Apocalyptic World: 'Once Human' Guide

Welcome to my ‘Survive a Post-Apocalyptic World: Once Human’ Guide. I have put together a hypothetical concept of a popular computer game called, ‘Once Human’, which is based in a Post Apocalyptic environment. Survival methods have been weaved into this game scenario, to demonstrate some possible true to life scenarios, that Once Human draws upon.

Let’s get into it…

Phase 1: Immediate Survival – Survive a Post-Apocalyptic World: ‘Once Human’ Guide

1. Assess Your Situation

  • Take stock of your surroundings.
  • Identify immediate threats (creatures, radiation, hostile humans).
  • Look for basic necessities: shelter, water, food, and safety.

2. Shelter

  • Find or construct shelter within the first 24 hours. Ideal shelters:
    • Natural formations like caves (ensure no predators are inside).
    • Abandoned buildings (check for structural safety and hidden threats).
    • Self-made shelters using tarps, wood, or debris.


tarp and camp fire
camouflaged container

3. Water

  • Locate water sources quickly (streams, rainwater, or abandoned infrastructure).
  • Purification Methods:
    • Boiling water (requires fire and a container).
    • Using filtration (makeshift with sand and charcoal or portable filters if available).
    • Water purification tablets (pre-apocalypse stockpile or scavenged).

4. Food

  • Short-term sources: scavenged canned goods, edible plants, and insects.
  • Long-term sources: trapping small animals, fishing, or farming (depending on the state of the environment).
  • Avoid unfamiliar plants and berries unless you can confirm they’re safe.

5. Fire

  • Essential for warmth, cooking, and keeping creatures at bay.
  • Use dry materials like wood, bark, and grass.
  • Tools for starting a fire: matches, lighters, or improvisation with flint and steel.

Phase 2: Establish Security – Survive a Post-Apocalyptic World: ‘Once Human’ Guide

Survive a Post-Apocalyptic World: 'Once Human' Guide

1. Defensive Tools

  • Weapons:
    • Improvised: sharpened sticks, rocks, or pipes.
    • Scavenged: knives, firearms (if available), or tools like axes.
  • Learn basic self-defense techniques.
  • Set traps around your shelter to deter creatures and intruders.

2. Awareness

  • Maintain a 360-degree view of your surroundings.
  • Use reflective materials or noise-based alarms to detect threats at night.

3. Stealth

  • Avoid unnecessary confrontations with hostile creatures or humans.
  • Move quietly, minimize your trail, and camouflage yourself when necessary.

Silencing your shoes while walking, say in the forest, can be crucial for staying undetected, whether for hunting, wildlife observation, or survival situations. Here are some tips to help you move quietly:

  1. Choose Soft-Soled Shoes: Opt for shoes with soft, flexible soles. Moccasins or minimalist shoes can reduce noise compared to hard-soled footwear.
  2. Walk on Natural Surfaces: Whenever possible, step on grass, moss, or soft dirt instead of dry leaves, sticks, or gravel, which can make a lot of noise.
  3. Slow and Careful Steps: Walk slowly and carefully, placing the outside edge of your foot down first and then rolling your foot inward to distribute your weight quietly.
  4. Remove Shoes if Necessary: In some cases, it might be better to go barefoot or wear socks over your shoes for extra silence.
  5. Modify Your Shoes: You can wrap fabric or tape around the soles of your shoes to muffle the noise they make.
  6. Mind Your Surroundings: Pay attention to your environment and plan your steps in advance to avoid noisy obstacles.

Phase 3: Resource Management – Survive a Post-Apocalyptic World: ‘Once Human’ Guide

1. Inventory Tracking

  • Keep detailed records of your supplies.
  • Prioritize lightweight, multipurpose items.

2. Scavenging

Survive a Post-Apocalyptic World: 'Once Human' Guide
  • Explore urban ruins for canned goods, tools, and first aid kits.
  • Avoid high-risk areas (densely populated zones likely already scavenged).

3. Crafting and Repairing

  • Learn to make tools and repair equipment using salvaged materials.
  • Create weapons, protective clothing, and storage solutions.

Phase 4: Long-Term Survival – Survive a Post-Apocalyptic World: ‘Once Human’ Guide

1. Sustainable Living

  • Set up a water collection system (e.g., rain catchers). In a post-apocalypse scenario, capturing rainwater can be a critical survival strategy. Here’s how to do it efficiently with minimal resources:

Basic Principles

  • Surface Area: Maximize the surface area exposed to rain to collect the most water.
  • Cleanliness: Ensure your collection surface is clean to avoid contamination.
  • Storage: Use sealed containers to store water and prevent evaporation or contamination.
  • Filtration: Rainwater may still need filtering or boiling to remove debris or pathogens.

Rainwater Collection Methods

1. Tarp or Plastic Sheet Method

  • Materials Needed: Tarp, plastic sheeting, ropes, and a container.
  • Setup:
    • Stretch the tarp or sheet tightly between four poles or trees to create a sloped surface.
    • Position the low point above your container to direct water flow.
  • Advantages: Easy to set up with minimal tools.

2. Leaf or Rock Channels

  • Materials Needed: Natural leaves, large flat rocks, or improvised channels.
  • Setup:
    • Use large leaves or flat rocks to channel rainwater into containers.
    • Ensure no dirt or toxins (e.g., from decaying plants) contaminate the water.
  • Advantages: No manufactured tools required.

3. Roof-Based Collection

  • Materials Needed: Any existing roof structure, gutter, and container.
  • Setup:
    • Place containers under roof edges or set up a gutter system.
    • If the roof is dirty, allow the first few minutes of rainfall to wash away debris before collecting.
  • Advantages: High collection volume with proper setup.

4. Digging a Rain Pit

  • Materials Needed: Digging tools, tarp or sheet.
  • Setup:
    • Dig a shallow pit and line it with a tarp or plastic sheet to catch rain.
    • Cover partially to reduce evaporation and debris.
  • Advantages: No need for above-ground structures.

5. Clothing or Fabric Method

  • Materials Needed: Clean fabric (clothing, blankets, etc.).
  • Setup:
    • Spread fabric to soak up rain.
    • Wring water into containers.
  • Advantages: Portable and quick to deploy.

Filtration and Storage Tips

  1. Basic Filtration:
    • Use cloth or mesh to filter out debris.
    • Boil water to kill pathogens or use improvised solar stills.
  2. Storage:
    • Seal containers to prevent contamination.
    • Use dark, cool places to store water for long periods.
  3. Improvised Filters:
    • Layer sand, charcoal, and gravel in a container to filter water.

Additional Tips

  • Monitor for Acid Rain: In a post-apocalyptic scenario, rain may be contaminated due to environmental factors. Use simple pH testing methods (e.g., natural indicators like red cabbage juice) to ensure safety.
  • Diversify Collection Points: Set up multiple collection systems to ensure a steady supply.
  • Grow food using seeds from scavenged produce.
  • Raise small animals (e.g., rabbits, chickens) if feasible.

Phase 5: Exploration and Adaptation – Survive a Post-Apocalyptic World: ‘Once Human’ Guide

  • Explore new areas cautiously to expand resources and knowledge of the terrain.
  • Adapt to environmental changes, whether it’s seasonal weather or evolving threats.
  • Stay curious and creative—sometimes innovation is the key to survival.

Key Supplies for Survival

  • Knife or multitool – Get as many elements on it as possible!
  • Firestarter kit – Great value for the quality.
  • Portable water filter or purification tablets – Several pieces is best. Decent quality is a must!
  • First aid kit – Comprehensive Kit needed.
  • Durable clothing and boots – You need a rain & windproof jacket. Decent sized pockets.
  • Lightweight backpack for mobility – A lightweight version that’ll hold the below items and a few other essentials. 28 L minimum.

You can purchase those great value essentials here. Just click on a link.

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